How to Cut Calories in the Kitchen?

If your goal is to lose weight, cutting calories along is part of the equation to make that happen.
3StepDiet® will teach you some tricks to save calories while preparing delicious meals.
Moderate the use of fats
Even healthy fats are still a fat, rich in calories. Foods such as olive oil, butter, cream, avocado, nuts, seeds and coconut should always be used sparingly, just enough for cooking or flavoring.
Use herbs and spices
Create tasty food by adding herbs and spices instead of extra fat. We guarantee that you will get all the flavor you want for very few calories.
Go for lean meats, seafood and dairy products
Choosing foods like chicken, turkey, rabbit, lean cuts of veal and pork and seafood help to create lower calorie dishes. When it comes to dairy, opt for lowfat options for milk, yogurt and cheese.
Remove all visible skin and fat
By removing the skin from poultry, you can reduce its caloric value by about 30%. In addition to being a “reservoir” of fat, the skin of animals also contains cholesterol.
Vegetables, vegetables, vegetables and more vegetables
With high nutritional value and low caloric value, vegetables allow you to add volume and flavor to your meals and snacks. Incorporating more of them into your dishes will make the portion you usually consume (same volume) have significantly fewer calories.
If using cheese in recipes, select more intensely flavored varieties so a smaller amount goes further in taste
Cheeses with a more a more intense flavor profile mean that a much smaller amount is enough to season dishes.
Reduce the amount of added sugar
On those festive occasions that you decide to prepare a sweet treat, lighten up on the sugar in the recipe or replace it with part sugar and part Stevia or just Stevia.
Make smart exchanges
If you’ve never tried swapping out mayonnaise for alternatives like light spreadable cheese or lowfat Greek yogurt, you don’t know what you’re missing. Switching from foods with a higher fat content to those with similar texture, but lower caloric value is an easy way to get save calories.
Choose to steam, sauté, bake, grill and stew
Not only do these cooking methods better preserve the nutrients in food, but they also allow for the use of little fat.
Choose homemade as much as possible
We often resort to prepared meals, seasonings and sauces to make our life in the kitchen easier. But the truth is that these types of products have added sugar and fat, not to mention flours and other thickeners to improve the texture, which results in higher calories. Look for easy recipes to create your own lightened up versions of these condiments.
If you follow our tips, not only will your cooking be less caloric, but also healthier.
If you also want recipe suggestions, click here.