
5 Tips for a more moderate holiday season

5 Tips for a more moderate holiday season
5 Tips for a more moderate holiday season
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When you think of holiday festivities, do you imagine tables full of tasty dishes and sweet treats enjoyed with family and friends?

3StepDiet® has some tips and tricks to help you enjoy yourself while staying true to your plan.

You can get into the spirit while also maintaining balance:


Make a shopping list before going to the supermarket.

Having menus and shopping lists for the festive days helps to avoid excesses.

Buying only the strictly necessary food will avoid waste and save money as well as calories.


Eat with peace of mind

Take advantage of this family time to catch up and slow down. Put your cutlery down between bites, notice all the nuances of tastes and textures, and most importantly, enjoy your meal.


Don’t go to parties hungry

When you head out ravenous, you’re bound to eat impulsively and in greater quantities. Always have a healthy bite before leaving home to avoid these unnecessary excesses. A bowl of soup, a hard boiled egg, some nuts with a piece of fruit; these will help you make smarter choices at the festivities.


Be supportive

Why not offer the leftovers to those who need it most? There are several associations that accept food these days that are delivered to disadvantaged people. It will be a different way to give at Christmas and have less at home to overindulge on later.


Be active

Last but not least, don’t forget to add more movement into your days. From walking instead of driving if possible, to dancing or planning a family hike, your body will thank you and you will feel better about that extra sweet treat you couldn’t resist!


If you need specific advice or help in this more challenging time, do not hesitate and look for a 3StepDiet® Registered Dietitian Nutrition Coach.

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