6 Signs That You’re Not Eating Well

Food serves many purposes, from nourishment to enjoyment and everything in between. Ensuring that our nutritional needs are met takes some effort and awareness. An imbalanced diet can lead to problems, namely deficiency of vitamins and minerals that are essential for development as well as maintenance.
With the stress of everyday life, we often don’t pay much attention to how we eat. However, a balanced and complete intake is necessary for the body to be able to carry out its normal activities while also preventing disease.
But how can we know that we’re not eating well? Poor diet is currently one of the leading causes of death in the world and is also related to the emergence of health complications such as overweight and obesity, cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes.
Often when this happens our body sends us a series of warning signals.
Have you ever felt abdominal distension when you eat something heavy? On the other hand, not eating enough food can also have a negative impact on your health. Unhealthy eating patterns can become visible over time through various signs and symptoms and that’s why it’s important to be aware of the signs that we need to pay attention for.
Want to know what they are?
Discover the 6 signs:
Hair Loss
Hair loss, dull and brittle hair can indicate a deficiency of various vitamins such as iron and zinc.
Low Immunity
If you get sick frequently, it could mean that your immunity is constantly compromised. Food is one of the best ways to strengthen your immune response!
Brittle Nails
When carrying out daily tasks, do you notice that your nails break easily? This could indicate a lack of iron which can be easily found in many foods.
Dry Skin
Putting on moisturizing cream is not enough to have luminous skin! Often the lack of iron, vitamin D and B vitamins can interfere with skin health. It is important to observe your skin and see if it has blemishes, if it is flaking or if you have pimples appearing, this could indicate that your body needs more nutrients!
Excessive Irritability
The way we eat is directly related to our mood and feel good neurotransmitters. Episodes of greater irritability end up culminating in the intake of foods rich in sugar and fat, however they are not satiating foods and often bring feelings of guilt and failure, increasing irritability even more.
Fatigue can indicate a lack of iron and B vitamins. Do you feel tired when performing daily tasks or do you feel very sleepy? Time to review your food habits!
Constipation often occurs due to a lack of fiber in the diet and low water intake. Intestinal health and creating a good environment for your gut microbiome is also highly dependent on the variety of food we consume.
What we eat affects our entire system, including cell regeneration, inflammatory processes, digestion and even our mood. Thus, we can guarantee that after a period of eating healthy, you are expected to feel better too!