Jennifer Horspool
She lost 30 lbs in 5 months

I am so so so so so pleased with 3StepDiet. WOW.
I lost the weight quickly, easily and I’ve been easily keeping it off – and I’m not that disciplined. I’ve been in healthcare and fitness and wellness my whole life and I never was able to follow diets. This one is totally different. I understand much better now all the factors that contribute to weight gain, weight loss, and how to manage it. I’m not quite in maintenance (step 3) yet but I’m already learning lots of exchange principles and new diets and new ways of looking at foods – like Nachos. I get the crunch, cheese and satisfaction of all the important things using Belgian Endive instead of chips. You wouldn’t think so, but once you try it, it’s satisfying.
My weekly meetings with my dedicated RD, Min, is one of the highlights of my week because I get to see my progress, discuss tough parts and struggles (for me, it’s coming up with recipes) and she always offers insights, tips, and encouragement. I learn interesting things I never thought of, like add cocoa and cinnamon or pumpkin and spices to Greek yogurt – tastes like pudding!
I have quick go-to snacks and meals in addition to bigger more fulfilling meals. I eat all the time – real, delicious foods. I’m not much of a cook but I do alright with the recipes 3StepDiet provides. I’m truly impressed and in love with this diet and I can see how this is truly a lifestyle change that is doable for life – not just during the duration of the diet.
I lost the weight quickly, easily and I’ve been easily keeping it off – and I’m not that disciplined. I’ve been in healthcare and fitness and wellness my whole life and I never was able to follow diets. This one is totally different.
This is a life changer for me. I look in the mirror and I’m HAPPY!! I put on my clothes and I feel good about myself. I’m back to ME! I’m back to fit and my legs looks fabulous. I know that’s from the supplements in addition to the diet. I haven’t had great legs in a long time. I’m so so so pleased. I find this diet easy and welcoming. Meeting with Min each week is my inspiration to do well. My clothes fit better. My energy level is high and I’m in a good mood. When we look good, we feel great. And that is now thanks to 3StepDiet. I am so pleased with this diet.
You are the BEST, Min!!! I couldn’t have done it without you. Truly – greatest diet ever. Easiest diet ever.
I’m in love with it and I’m sooooooooooooo happy to be back to me again 😊 Thank you!
Jennifer Horspool – lost 30 pounds and reached her goal weight in just under 5 months